Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A writer's work is never done

Or so it seems. Got another 39 pages under my belt today, which seems small compared to the 90 I cranked through yesterday. But I knew it was a one day, in the zone mojo. I'll probably take the rest of the evening off, despite the fact that finishing these revisions is becoming an obsession. I love my story! I love reading it and being in that world. And I want the draft done. Dammit. I left off today at a really terribly written transition (I hate them) and then... DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUN! The last action point of the story. The final fight scene. You remember, the one I set during the day even though it revolves around my Vampire? Myeah. That speaks to the amount of rewriting required. *sigh* I'm still hoping to make my 12/1 JoNo goal for this draft, though:

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
364 / 427

This word meter is adjusted a bit. I've been forgetting all this time that I skipped revising the first chapter because half of it was brand new material that needed to sit for a while. So I subtracted those pages from my real page count.

I will also have one more draft before this goes to my CPs. The writing at the end of the book has made me all too aware of how much more work the writing in the beginning of the book still needs. And I still haven't added any place descriptions or even many people ones. As a reader, I tend to only care about what directly impacts the story -- I need to have some info about what the character looks like so I can form a picture in my mind. And I need to know enough info about their settings so that when they interact with them, I'm not pulled out of the narrative because it looked completely different in my mind than the way the action is being described. But I'm sure there are people who want more.

What about you?

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