Monday, December 22, 2008

Look what I found!

I snuck out to Barnes & Noble today before grocery shopping to see if I could find NEED, the new release by Carrie Jones. It's not technically supposed to be out until tomorrow, but I'd heard that people were finding it early.

Voila! Face out and everything:

My family has a strict rule against buying things for yourself between Thanksgiving and Christmas. So, you'll all pretend you never saw this picture, right?

(Yeah, I had to use the bathroom mirror trick, but you can see the ADORABLE Canon Digital ELPH camera Ben got me for my birthday! It's so tiny! I love it.)

Blurbage from Amazon:
Zara collects phobias the way other high school girls collect lipsticks. Little wonder, since life’s been pretty rough so far. Her father left, her stepfather just died, and her mother’s pretty much checked out. Now Zara’s living with her grandmother in sleepy, cold Maine so that she stays “safe.” Zara doesn’t think she’s in danger; she thinks her mother can’t deal. Wrong. Turns out that guy she sees everywhere, the one leaving trails of gold glitter, isn’t a figment of her imagination. He’s a pixie—and not the cute, lovable kind with wings. He’s the kind who has dreadful, uncontrollable needs. And he’s trailing Zara.

I'll be cracking this one open later tonight!

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