No, really. I was. Our driveway was coated in an inch of ice, preventing either of our cars from getting up it's slight incline for the past two days. Very, very frustrating!!! After one snowstorm, two yelling fits from my dear husband, and many aborted attempts to drive the cars both forwards and backwards up the driveway, we managed to get out today to bring Scully to the garage (where she will hopefully be repaired for a very small fee tomorrow) and take the Mini out to get several bags of salt.Oy!
I also unstoppered my brain. *cue maniacal laughter* I've been trying to plot a new project and it hasn't been working. That makes Renee a Miserable Bitch (tm). This morning, I decided to just write down the bits and pieces I knew and put it away for a while. As soon as I stopped trying to pluck the story from my brain in a linear fashion, blam-o! Flood gates opened and I could barely type fast enough to keep up with the scenes and mini info dumps happening in my brain. Please, for the love of all that is holy, would someone remind me of this the next time I'm banging my head up against a plot wall???
And now, back to it...
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