Yesterday was a day of Getting Things Done. I'm thoroughly enjoying the break from the obsessive, frenzied pace of writing and revisions, but the inactivity is also driving me nuts. So I decided to tackle a bunch of projects around the house that have been neglected for an embarrassingly long
period of time. One of these was cleaning out and reorganizing my bookshelves.
I wish I had a dedicated home library that looked like this:
Instead, I have a handful of bookshelves randomly placed throughout my house. Before yesterday, they were all overflowing. Now, we have empty shelves!! So exciting! And all my books are arranged by author and series, in series order. It's a beautiful thing. It makes my heart happy to see them there.
When Ben, who was also participating in Getting Things Done day, had a chance to come see my progress he was appalled. I have paperbacks mixed in with hardcovers--lo, the horror! I tried explaining my system, telling him how it was all about which groupings of authors would fit together on a shelf, were worthy of sharing a shelf (I get quite protective of my favorites) and then were arranged in order from oldest to newest in the series. Ben just pointed to his shelves, which are arranged neatly by size, and told me I'm crazy.
So, what about you? Alphabetized by author? Crammed into whatever nooks and crannies they'll fit into? The Ben Method? The Renee Method? Tell me about your shelves.
Ah, the book organization of a married couple...
I'm a by subject, then size/color/pleasantly appealing arrangement type myself. One shelf for knitting, one for cars, tallest to the left, shortest to the right. Artfully filled out with a vase of knitting needles or a model car. (artful being subjective of course).
Mark, steadfastly refuses to adhere to the system. Don't get me wrong, he loves the system, he just can't follow it pulls things out willy nilly and puts them make in the same random manor, and then complains how messy the shelves look!
This was ok, in the old house, where we could just close the door to our "library". No so good in the new one and we are trying to find a new method of integrating our precious books (16+ boxes packed by the movers) into our "grown up" house. Maybe you and Ben should come visit and take care of them for us! :)
I love that you accessorize your shelves. I always love that look but I'm too messy for it. I just cram the books in until you can't even fit another speck of dust between. :)
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