Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Papparazzi Cam hard at work

I'm so happy to be home!

I have to do a quick plug - the last dinner we had was at a restaurant called Meritage in downtown St. Paul. It's a pricey French restaurant but oh my god was it delish. I had one of the best meals I've ever had there. Definitely check it out if you're ever in the area - it's worth every penny. The marinated olives are to die for, as is the composition of winter vegetables. Nom nom nom.

Our business trip coincided with St. Paul's annual Winter Carnival which means there were lots of people dressed in winter gear working on ice sculptures while we were there. It was so fascinating to watch! Here are a few shots from the Papparazzi Cam:

Goldfish before...
Goldfish after!

These guys were carving the Dark Knight - see the model?

The Papparazzi Cam had some fun at the airport, too. I love people watching at the airport. So much good material. Like, for example, this fine fellow and sense. He is rocking those yellow socks.
I've cut his head off to protect the, er, innocent. See? I'm not a total bitch.

On the plane ride home I had the immense pleasure of sitting next to a complete asshole. The dude would not stop talking on his cell phone, even after seventeen warnings to turn off all electronic devices. Because, I mean, what's the risk of crashing and dying compared to cutting short that oh-so-important conversation about your coworker's love life or the business trip you were just on? Speaking of love lives, he apparently has an active one. Taking off? No wedding ring. Landing? Voila! The ring's back in place, just in time to see the wife again. Sleazeball.

For the Papparazzi Cam's final masterpiece of the evening, I present you with Kevin Smith:
We went to see him do a Q & A session this evening. Very entertaining.
This is a picture of a fan putting lipstick on him so she could capture his lip-print. Hilarious! Maybe she'll tattoo it on her ass.

This is a teenager from the audience who volunteered to answer a question on Kevin's behalf regarding where Keving gets his inspiration from (Kevin couldn't come up with a non-lame answer himself). The kid was a riot. His answer was so good, Kevin actually walked off stage and let him keep going for a bit. Very funny! He did come back and re-answer all the questions himself, though.

So, that's the update here at Casa Sweet. Tomorrow I will be finalizing plans for my sister-in-law's baby shower and (hopefully) wrapping up the skeleton scene by scene plot for the new book (working title abbreviation PR -- start your guesses now!). Hope everything is going well in your world!

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