Sunday, February 1, 2009

Time is like a river

Not a peaceful burbling brook. At least not this year. 2009 is more like this so far:

And I feel like I'm rushing along in its current, hoping my sticks-and-vines raft holds together. Yeesh. I have got to get things under control here at Casa Sweet or I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. Srsly (tm).

The shower was great fun! I have a few amusing pictures and stories to share, which I'll hopefully post within the next few days.

Now that I can check that off my to do list, I need to focus on getting Day Job work in order. I'm a bit behind right now and need to get that squared away in the coming week. Then I should be able to focus back on a more normal routine involving things like other people, laundry and--oh yeah--writing. I got my first crit back so I'm very excited to get the revisions underway. I'm really looking forward to getting it out to agents *flings silent prayer out to universe* and to focus on the new book, which is temporarily on hold (though still brewing in the back of my mind).

So, that's the State of the Union for me. I'll likely be scarce this week as I've got a lot of personal commitments in addition to above-mentioned work catch up to do. Hang tight and I'll be back with you soon! :)

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