Monday, February 6, 2012

Best. Game. Ever.

Saturday night was Game Night at my brother-in-law's and sister-in-law's house. Some folks rotated between games but I spent the entire night playing Telestrations or, as I like to call it, The Most Hilarious Game of All Time. I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. I even got a headache from the laughing. So much fun.

The game comes with a handful of miniature dry erase spiral bound notebooks, dry erase markers, and word cards. Everyone gets a word, which they write on their notebook. They then have 90 seconds to draw the word on the following page, like you would in Pictionary. When time's up, you flip the notebook page over to hide your drawing, pass the notebook to the person on one side of you and receive a notebook in the same condition from the person on the other side of you. The timer starts again and you have to look at the drawing in your newly received notebook, guess what the word is and write it in the notebook. Flip page over, pass notebook. Timer starts again and you now have to draw the word in the notebook. And so on until you get your original notebook back. Sort of like a combination of Pictionary and Operator. You score points if the word at the end matches the word at the beginning (and you can also score points for most creative and most hilarious).

Let me show you why this game is so freaking hilarious. My word: Director.

My (admittedly too complicated) drawing depicting "Director":

A great guess:

A clever depiction of "romantic comedy":

Aaaaaaaaand here's where it really starts to go downhill:

Almond Joy? Ooookay. Let's see how the next person drew that:

Freaking awesome. And the final guess was...?

This is why I love this game. "Director" to "Hula Dancer" in six short steps. :D

This was another favorite from the night. I laughed so hard, I cried:

Seriously. Best game evar.

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