1. I made it all the way to 10:57 a.m. before I had to jam my headphones on with shaking hands and get my Fray fix like the junkie I am. I consider this progress. It also helps that I'm learning the songs enough to be able to play them in my head when I can't have them in my ears. :)
2. Have I told you of the curse of the nail clipping? Oh yes. I believe I've mentioned one of the incidents before. In my humble opinion, clipping one's nails (fingers or toes) is private hygiene business meant to be taken care of at home. Apparently, this isn't a widespread opinion. In my old department, I would hear a clip-clip-clipping noise at least once a week in the mornings. An investigative stroll around the surrounding cubicles revealed a coworker clipping her fingernails at her desk. WTF?, I thought. That has got to be the strangest thing ever, I thought. What a singularly weird person, I thought. Several months later, we hired a new manager. Clip. Clip clip. Clip. Yep. New manager is clipping his nails at his desk on a regular basis. (Oddly enough, the original nail clipper reported to him.) Then came the freakishly disgusting incident I linked to above. This week? A new department moved into the room next door to us and my cube has a direct diagonal line of sight (and sound!) to one in the new departments. Clip. Clip. Clip clip clip. You guessed it! She's clipping her nails at her desk!! WTF???
3. Does incorrect grammar in songs bother you? When you sing the song, do you correct the lyrics? For me, it depends. For example, in Kelly Clarkson's "Sober", she has a line that says, "At the end of this road I might catch a glimpse of me." The me should be myself, if I'm not mistaken. However, I let this one go because it fits with the rhyming scheme (ends with an "e" sound, rhyming with maybe in the previous line). However, there are other songs where I'll correct the grammar when I sing. Probably because I'm the world's biggest dork. The one that really gets me is using "that" when it should be "who", because I think it's such an easy rule to remember. Are you talking about people? Use who! Ta-daaaa! Easy peasy. For example, "You're the one who broke my heart." Not, "You're the one that broke my heart." There's a Staind song that screws this rule up and I always correct it when I sing it, but I can't remember which song it is now.**
4. (Jesus, this is long for a Friday Five!) I'm trying to cook more. Does anyone have any easy, tasty vegetarian (or easy to fake-meat-swap) recipes that don't have any dairy and don't take a long time to cook? Eggs are okay. I'm struggling a bit with the new no-dairy restriction.
5. My to do list for the weekend has 25 items on it. Toooootally do-able. O.o
ETA: I meant to add a little footnote last night to correspond with the double asterisks to acknowledge my very imperfect grammar. This rant is by no means implying that I'm a master grammarian--just that I sometimes wish songwriters paid as much attention to their lyrics as we writers do to our manuscripts.
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