Monday, February 9, 2009

Picspam update - now with more picspam!

Now that my Day Job work has settled down a bit, I was finally able to devote some higher brain function to revisions based on the critique I recently received. Yay! I feel so much better now that I'm actively working on the book again. More on critiquing (and mine in particular) later this week.

For now, I have a slightly random mishmash of updatery for you, primarily in the form of picspam. The Papparazzi Cam never rests.

First (at the suggestion of dan_phi ), here are the World's Cutest Hot Chocolate Mugs (tm), as mentioned in my Writer Playdate post:

The thing sitting in front of them is a frother, which fits conveniently into their hats. Sadly, the hats must be removed before you drink from the mugs, but they're still pretty damn cute.

Next, I already have a problem with my newly reorganized bookshelves. {sigh} I knew this would happen.

See the red rectangle? That's where Bone Crossed needs to go, now that I bailed on my To Do list last night and finished it. (Review forthcoming!) But see those red arrows? No more space on the shelf! Luckily my Patricia Briggs section is sandwiched by Rachel Vincent and Mark Del Franco, both of whom have new releases on my next-in-line-to-read list. So, I'd have to do some rearranging for their two new books anyhow. But now I have to find another shelf worthy of their work that has space... hmm. Maybe there's something to be said for this alphabetical system after all. ;)

Last in the picspam updatery are a few choice shots from my sister-in-law's baby shower (got that, guys?) a couple of weeks ago. One of the many shower games we played based on your suggestions (thanks!) was the smelly diaper game (put various stinky substances in labeled diapers and make the guests guess what they are). Good times, good times.

This one's my personal favorite. She had just taken a deep whiff of the diaper and was pondering the scent with mucho concentration.

This handsome little fellow flirted with me for quite some time:

Until I was (predictably) abandoned for a considerably younger redhead.

Tragically, I don't have any pictures of Cara opening the super cute sneaks I got Baby Nephew, but suffice it to say they were properly appreciated. :) Her stepmother had even gotten him a little rock 'n' roll outfit that they'll go perfectly with! The kid is going to be stylin'.

Okay, I've tortured you enough. The Papparazzi Cam will be put to rest...for now. MUA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAAA!

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