Monday, October 3, 2011

Let the journey begin

Remember how I was saying I was wrestling with a new story idea because I hadn't really nailed the conflict? Well, I had another story idea over the weekend and at first I was all, "Phew! Problem solved!" And the new-new story idea was way more in my comfort zone (paranormal, definite series potential).

But here's the thing: Every time I try to write a little bit of that story in my head? The other story keeps coming out. I've tried a hundred ways to Sunday* to integrate the two ideas and it's a no go. I've tried, again, to further develop the conflict in the new idea. It's being coy. But you know what? This story is strong inside me. These characters are right. there. and I can feel their stories from start to finish. So...I'm just going to go with it.

When it comes to big projects, I'm a planner. And writing a novel definitely counts as a big project. I'm pushed waaaaaaay outside my comfort zone when I'm typing away at my keyboard and there are large-ish dark spots obscuring my perfect plans for how the story moves forward. But that's how I wrote TLOS and some of the best parts of that book came during in-the-heat-of-the-story discovery. So I'm going to try to let go a little and trust that the rest of what I need to make this story live and breathe is waiting among the words I feel coiled within me.

Here I go again. Starting a new journey, writing a story I never thought I'd write. Working title (abbreviated, because it's temporary): JAI.  Let the adventure begin!  

*What the hell does that mean, anyway?

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