Wednesday, January 11, 2012


A new Snow Patrol album came out yesterday. I'm a huge Snow Patrol fan and I've been eagerly anticipating this new album. It's pretty good. I haven't been able to give it a good listen yet but I've liked the stuff I've heard so far and I can already tell a couple of the tracks will be added to my Snow Patrol favorites.

But while I was listening to it, I realized that I was so freaking excited about it, so ready for it to be great, that it would have taken more work (so to speak) for the songs to disappoint me than it would for them to make me love them. Snow Patrol has already earned my trust and so now I approach anything they do with open arms, ready to fall in love with it.

I'm like that with books, too. I expect and anticipate that every story--especially those by tried and true beloved authors--will kindle something in me, excite me, make me fall in love with it. Like I'm halfway there before I open the cover.

I don't think I'm alone in this, and I think that's kind of cool. We allow ourselves to be dazzled on a regular basis. I like the idea of all of us fans, us lovers of stories and songs and other works of art, having "embrace this" as our default setting.

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