Thursday, March 15, 2012

Turning into an amoeba

I think I'm devolving.

I used to maximize every moment, seize the day, etc. etc. and lately by the time I get home from work I'm so drained all I can bring myself to do is lay around like a slug and play DrawSomething on my iPhone. Who am I? What am I becoming? Or unbecoming? Damn.

The Day Job is definitely sucking a bunch of my life away, but it's going beyond that. Maybe I need to start taking vitamin D? Maybe I need to drink more? AHA! This downward spiral SUSPICIOUSLY coincides with the point at which I decided to severely reduce my alcohol intake! Problem solved. I just need a glass of wine! ;P

Spring is almost here. Hopefully the change of season will shake me out of this rut. In the meantime, I'll continue to be quiet here when I have no energy and/or only want to whine. :)

I have been making slow progress on the new book, which I continue to be madly in love with. This is a contemporary YA and is definitely presenting its fair share of plotting challenges. How the hell do people make interesting stories about real life???? Haha. No magic system, no one changes into anything (except, perhaps, a new and improved version of themselves) and there are no evil overlords to vanquish. FOR THE LOVE OF RHINOS, WHAT THE HELL DO WE DOOOOO ALL DAY?

So, yeah. Trying to figure out how to get my characters to hit all their narrative touchpoints without a shiny paranormal action plot to move them along.

In other news, I'm growing my hair out. And making wedding invitations for one of my BFFs. And trying to get my addictions to Thai food and Teavana under control. Other than that, it's life per usual around here.

OH! I'll be in San Francisco at the end of the month. Do I have any SF peeps here? Anyone have any must see/must do recommendations?

6/16 ETA: Have closed comments since this post appears to be a huge spam attractor.

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