Sunday, June 24, 2012


[So...yeah. I'm just jumping back in here without much preamble. No promises as to how often I'll be able to blog or catch up on everyone else's blogs--work life balance still isn't very balanced--but I miss it!]

 Things I have accomplished this weekend:
  1. Saw a play (I LOVED, I LOST, I MADE SPAGHETTI, adapted from Giulia Melluci's memoir by the super hilarious Jacques Lamarre - if you're in the Hartford, CT area, I recommend it for a good laugh)
  2. Bought, like, 15 items of clothing (oh, hello there, TJ Maxx)
  3. Bought a rug for my Impossible Living Room Situation*!!
  4. Determined I need return said rug.
  5. Leveled up like 3 times and knocked off a bunch of quests in Skyrim
  6. Cleaned out and re-organized my hair and make up drawers OH MY FREAKING WORD I AM SO HAPPY ABOUT THIS YOU HAVE NO IDEA.
  7. Worked on Brilliant Novel.
And there are still many hours left in the day! I still have plans to go grocery shopping, get my nails done and possibly return the rug-that-let-me-down.  

Things Logan has accomplished this weekend:
  1. Eat
  2. Drink
  3. Sleep
  4. Sunbathe
  5. Look cute
  6. Gotten hairs all over my pillow
Clearly time well spent for both of us.  

*I have a loden green couch and periwinkle walls. My husband would not budge on the couch, I would not budge on the wall color. I vowed to make it work. It took 5 years to find an accent chair that pulled the two colors together--which, btw, we spent a small fortune on. Another 5 years later, I still don't have a rug that goes with both the couch and the chair. UGH.

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